Monday, November 11, 2013


Typography is a design created by Sam Morris, a web designer for the news website, The Guardian". This design creates the letter "T" out of different key phrases that are related to typography. This is a very simple and creative design that has a lot to show about typography. There is type variation to create interest and difference of appearance. There are some issues of consistency within the spacing of the type, but the type itself is clean. I also like the variation in color to create form and directs the audiences eye around the image. Since it follows the shape of the letter, there is a lot of implied lines and direction. I also like that the design is slanted because it provides visual appeal rather than just a centered design. This slant also creates an implied motion and helps to make the design look more alive. The fact that "ypography" is significantly smaller than the "T" does make this a little bit harder to read, but I think this is a really cool design and shows that typography is more of a science than just a technique or element.

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