Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hard Rock Cafe

This is a menu cover for the Hard Rock Cafe in Detroit, MI. The front cover has a tagline at the top above the graphic which is a great idea to get the attention of the customer and kinda give them a sample of what the restaurant experience will be like. After the graphic comes the logo. The logo sits right in the center and is in the same color as the rest of the type on the front. Underneath the logo is the address and the phone number, fax number, and website. I think the front is very well done and the information given is done appropriately for the cover. The back side of the menu has the salad options, dessert options, and additional information. The address and restaurant name are also repeated on the back of the menu. The typography for the menu items is very well done. They used a larger font in a centered alignment to create a headline for the category. Underneath that is the actual list of menu items. These menu items are all left justified and include the price after title of the menu item. There is also an appropriate amount of space given for the price after the menu item. A font variation is used for the special/featured menu items. They are in red as oppose to the other black fonts. Under the name of the menu item is the description of the menu item. This is in a smaller font to create hierarchy and helps show that this information falls underneath the headline of the item menu. The additional information on the back of the page features a basic white font that resembles the font, Impact. I think that having a font like this and making all of the type in one line of text is a little too intense for a menu; all of the type underneath this looks very small and unimportant. Overall I really like the design of this menu and I think that this is a great example of typographical hierarchy and an appropriate use of font variation.

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