Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Glenn Wolk

Glenn Wolk has designed for Tommy Hilfiger, Led Zeppelin, The Rollings and many other clients. In this design, Wolk has created an advertisement for Sperry's Shoes. This design has to rely a lot on the typographical elements to help sell this brand of shoe over other brands since this is a very common shoe type and style. First of all the type uses hierarchy to create importance in the terms "World's first boat shoe since 1935" and "The Authentic Original". These are both very important selling points and  using larger fonts and even displaying the type on the white of the shoe are great ways to show the importance of those two key phrases. The type is a tad off in the alignment. Some words like "grip" stick out farther than "decks" and the same for "ready" and "no". The typography does use too many fonts and does become a little inconsistent as the script font is added at the bottom next to all of the sans serif and serif fonts. The middle line that reads "grip and traction for slippery decks" seems smaller than the line above and below and looks a tad cramped. Also I think that the logo at the bottom left of the type should be made smaller and moved to either the bottom left corner of the design or placed in the center under the type. In the place of the logo could be four more stars which would help with the continuity of the piece and help make the weight of the design more even. I like the design and don't think its bad, but from a typographical viewpoint I am not a huge fan. I think it sells the two key phrases well by using hierarchy, but unfortunately I think that the alignment is a tad off and the logo is oddly placed.

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