Thursday, November 14, 2013

20th Century Typography

This is an appropriate poster for my 50th typography blog because this is honestly one of my favorite designs that I have found that focuses on typography. There are two main sections of the design, both of which mirror the similar pointed shape. There is also a repeated banner that is found at the top, middle, and bottom of the design. First of all the hierarchy is great. The title lines are in large type and even have different fonts. This also shows hierarchy within the title itself. Under the title is the guest's line of type which is in a blocky font that doesn't differ too much from the main title font. Below is the location which is surrounded by smaller secondary type that is basically more info about the location. In the bottom section is the date and time, tickets, and an additional tagline. These lines of type are aligned very well and create implied shapes that help form order. There is also a difference of the pattern in how the type is aligned, which helps to create variation and interest. After these type boxes is an additional line of type that includes some social media advertising in bold and regular forms for more variation. I only see three different fonts used for this design which follows the first rule of typography. Different variations of the fonts are used to help the hierarchy, but still follow the rule of fonts. I think that the monotone color scheme works very well and I like the over all look of this design. This layout has all of the features of a well designed event poster. I can see that this poster was well thought out and that alignment was important to the designer. I think that the poster grabs immediate attention from far away and even at a closer glance. This is truly a great event poster and I think this would gather the attention and interest of the audience while also being very easy to read, which is what typography is all about.

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