Thursday, November 14, 2013

Menu Typography

This menu uses a lot of very common elements as far as the typography, but the other small design elements that they use are very nice. I like that in the background is an illustration with the opacity turned down low to add an additional interest to the type while maintaining good use of real estate. As far as the typography goes, I think that the type is very well done. The type is center justified but because of the layout and how they are placed within the menu it still creates an implied sense of organization and shows order. The title for each category is in a much larger font than the menu items themselfs which helps finding items much easier. I also like that there is a thin line running underneath each title. This helps to create the order in the menu. Underneath the title is the menu item and the price. I like the font that was chosen for the sub text because it provides don't variation, but doesn't go too far away from the look of the other fonts. The additional description is also well designed and has an appropriate amount of leading so that the spacing between descriptions is close enough to see where it falls but far enough for easy readability. Over all I think this is a great menu and the layout and type play off of the subtle illustrations very well.

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