Thursday, November 14, 2013

Menu Typography 2

This menu design uses an illustration for the background that has a low opacity but uses two colors that work very well for a low opacity design. I like this design because the design is very simple, doesn't stand out too much, and blends nicely behind the type. I also really appreciate that the design continues on both pages. Having the image on both pages helps guide the customer's eyes across the menu. As far as the type goes, the I think that they are very consistent with their layout. The title fonts are larger and in a center justified alignment, while the menu items are a little smaller in a black font to create variation. Underneath the item is the description. An interesting feature is that the left side items of each page have right justification, while the right side items have left justification. This means that there is a distinctive center line in the middle of each page. I am not sure whether or not I like this design feature or not, but it does stand out as being different. I think that the menu uses very unique ideas as far as the layout goes, but I would like a little bit more variation in the title font and maybe a little more leading before each title. There are some space issues that make some areas look a little bunched together.

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