Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tea Room

Unlike most menus, this menu uses many different alignments and variations for the typography. The logo type is directly in the center of the menu at the top and takes a large section of the menu's real-estate. On the top left is the location of the tea room, while the right side has a date stamp. The different menu categories are found on both the left and right sides of the menu and also the bottom underneath the Saladier section. These categories use hierarchy to show importance in the menu categories over the importance of the menu item. The items themselves are listed in a center aligned format and have the price listed right after the item description. The categories are separated by the use of tiny star illustrations to add a small design element and help create and organized look to the menu. The middle of the menu has a section of salad choices. The title for this category is much larger then the others, is in the direct center of the menu, and uses a different font to show that that is the highlight of the menu. The type for this section is aligned very well to create a boxed shape and to maintain a very nice, organized look. The choice numbers are very large and stand out a tad too much. Under the categories are the quickie meals, children's lunch, and the featured lunch special. I like this menu, but I think that there are too many different fonts and that they are not similar enough. The bottom fonts look more sophisticated then the category type that looks to be more military inspired, while the logo looks to be very very script heavy and looks to be something found in a calligraphy book. The different alignments are very inconsistent and the "salad symphony" section looks squished underneath the other choices and can be overlooked. I think that this could use more consistency throughout the menu and less focus on creating a border around their salads.

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