Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thomas Price

Thomas Price is a graphic designer who believes that design is a part of life that is engrained into and its something you can't ever turn off. Just like one's artistic talent is a part of who someone is, so is their religious beliefs. In this typographical illustration Price shows an entire verse of the Bible and explains an entire thought in one illustration. The great thing about using a Bible verse is that it shows more than just a sentence or saying, but also an entire message, view of faith, and witness. This design is great and shows hierarchy by using larger type to show God's importance and that the word "Live" is a very important part of this message. The use of hierarchy in this illustration shows the message made in the words, but also uses visual cues like hierarchy and font type to create additional understanding of the importance of the words. The different uses of fonts for this design is really nice and adds additional definition to each word. Using a bolder and more attractive font for the words "I AM" shows God's majesty and strength and that He should be the focus of our life. The only thing I think is distracting about this design is that the line between "and the life" and "whoever believes" looks like it could be an "I". I would fix that by using an illustration of something relating to the design to break up those two sections of type without making them look as if they're actually one block. I think over all this flows well and gives a very relaxing look to a joyful verse. I think that typographical designs like this that give that hand-drawn feel could be used well as decoration in homes or as posters.

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