Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Franck Trebillac

Franck Trebillac is a designer in London who has done work for Norton, Hyundai, and even Harley Davidson. He works in print, motion graphics, advertising, art direction, and general illustration. This piece by Trebillac is an illustration of Edger Allen Poe with typography to create his hair and other features. The type is made up of quotes from Poe's works and uses an older curlier font to bring the nostalgic look and feel to the design. There is typographical hierarchy throughout the piece to show important quotes and to make Poe's name stand out. I think that the words "a dream" are out of place being the same size as "Poe" and makes it look like the piece says "A Dream Poe". I think that if the area that had "a dream" was full of other quotes it could add to the interest of the design, while also taking away the confusion of the type. There is a problem with the spacing of the type within the eyes. The eyes does become covered by some of the actual image and is harder to read. This could easily be fixed by just playing around with the sizing and positioning of the type, but unfortunately it was not fixed. As the type comes closer to the neck there is some more covering of the type which again could be fixed. I think this is a very cool concept and I like the font choice, but I think this could use a little more work. 

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