Sunday, October 6, 2013


This book cover for Biodiversity: The Era of Extinction is mostly typographical and brings some interesting elements to a book cover, but not all of them are positives. The hourglass shape and using different animal species as the sand helps to create the imagery that living and thriving species of animals, after time and pressure, are going to slip through the cracks and become extinct. I also like that the falling type is transformed into different waves to create motion and that it also makes a pile of sand at the bottom. While this illustration and use of altered text helps to create a story, the cover has some flaws. There are more than three different fonts within the hourglass itself, while there are still two more fonts outside of the hourglass. Also the font used for the "biodiversity" looks fine, but the "the era of extinction" is hard to see and looks like its being destroyed. This look could be what the designer was going for when he or she created it, but does not fit with the rest of the piece or the other fonts. I think that if the tag line had a better looking font that maybe had some grunge element to it, the piece would fit together a little better. Another thing that I don't like about this book cover is that there is no mention of the author. One of the biggest selling points for a book is who wrote it. With some different fonts and the author's credit, this could be a very good cover that would show the reader exactly what they are reading about before they even turn to the first page.

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