Sunday, October 6, 2013

Making Ideas Happen

I really the cover of Scott Belsky's book, Making Ideas Happen. The illustration is a puzzle piece design that incorporates the idea of putting things together to make ideas work. All of the main title is in a large sans serif font that is left side aligned and takes up over half of the cover. The left align style for a book cover can create empty space, but in this cover they added a tagline in three black lines. The tagline is also in a left alignment, but since it is a smaller font it fits directly into the empty space of the title and looks great. Below the title is the author credit. To bring the black background fully throughout the piece, the black line and white font is underneath the author's name and displays the author's title. This creates balance in the color. Also there is balance between the title and tagline, and also the author's name and personal title. The bigger white letters and smaller black boxes makes the top feel balanced on its own, and the bottom balanced on its own. There are also missing puzzle pieces near the text that says "overcoming the obstacles between vision and reality". This could just be to create difference in pattern, or it could be another way to attach the meaning of those obstacles and the missing pieces required to complete them. I really like this cover and I like when the title can be large simple text, and the cover is still exciting and appealing. 

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