Monday, October 7, 2013

Steve Jobs Typography by Dylan Roscover

Steve Jobs by Dylan Roscover is a typographical portrait of Steve Jobs himself. This is a very cool illustration and using typography to create a portrait of someone is awesome. Portraits sometimes show meaning within the person and what they stand for and are thinking. Using type to create a person's face allows emotion to be seen in the subject's natural expressions, and it allows the language of the type to express thoughts or ideas in a clear and concise manner. One thing thats different about making a portrait is that the type needs to be in different shades to create depth and texture. After zooming in really close I found that his facial hair is actually made out of parentheses and 1's. This is a really nice touch and it looks really good. The design is not 100% text, but the majority of the portrait is made from type and shows great typography skills. This looks like it takes a lot of time to create, but the devotion that it also takes makes the results worth the time and effort. This piece also has a lot of hierarchy within it by making some of the type larger than others, even if it doesn't fit that part of the image. It works really well and it helps to show which quotes and thoughts are most important or had more meaningful.

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