Sunday, September 29, 2013


This book design is possibly my favorite design I could find. The design on the cover shows an example of industry in our world, while creating movement in the title by moving the "I" with the crane. The back of the book has a very neatly typed synopsis of the book with the title and author repeated. Hierarchy is found again in the title and author on both the back and front of the book cover by having a large bold sans serif text for the title and a smaller white sans serif text for the author. The only problem with the cover is that the large back text seems a lot heavier than the smaller white text. There isn't as much of a weight problem on the back because the black text isn't out numbered by the white text. The spine of the book is very simple. It is a white spine with the title and author in black font. This is a simple design for the spine, but it works very well on this cover. All in all this is a great design for a book and the techniques can be transferred to other genres and designs.

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