Monday, October 7, 2013


TitanVex is a very small design company who works in illustrations, websites, prints, videos, and fonts. They do not show too many of their clients on their website, but they do show a lot of their design work. They are not just designers, but also nerds, and that reflects well in their gaming illustrations. TitanVex has an entire section on their website that shows off their different gaming inspired typographical posters. This poster has quotes from the popular Assassin's Creed games. I really like this poster and the idea of using quotes to create familiar logos and shapes. One thing that stands out to me about this piece is that there are many different font sizes throughout this one image to show which words are more important. Just by making some words larger, they have created emphasis and it makes it easier for a person to read. Making the key words of emphasis larger also helps to bring interest to the piece. As people see the bigger, more intense words, they begin to look at the smaller words, and eventually they read the entire work. I think that this is a very cool design and I like the use of color and font sizes. The legibility of this piece does make this a harder piece to understand, but I really like the use of hierarchy to create emphasis and draw attention. I like this work and I think it is a great reminder of how to make typographical illustrations not just lines of text, but also a story inside of imagery.

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