Monday, October 21, 2013


Fanta has a very noticeable bottle label due to the bright colors and interesting design. The main thing that I think Fanta does right with their designs is that they have their main color that represents the flavor of the drink, but they use another very different color that creates contrast and provides attraction to their audience. The label above uses different shades of orange to show the consumer right away that it is an orange flavored soda, but then they used blue for the logo to create contrast and make the logo "pop". This gives the first impression that it is an orange flavored drink, while a split second later giving the detail to what brand it is. If this had just been a black logo on an orange background it would have seemed boring and would take longer for the consumer to realize what brand it was. The nutrition facts remains black but this is secondary on the typographical hierarchy and is easy to see and has a high readability level. I think this is a very well done design and the orange Fanta label stands out to me when I go looking for a drink

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