Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Wave

The Wave by Julie Myerson has  a really simple and well done book cover. This cover has a very nice style throughout the entire piece. The texture style of both fonts and the wave lines all give a hand-drawn chalk-like design. This creates a simple and easy to understand design on the cover that grabs the interest of the audience, while keeping the title the main focus of the design. The title is given importance by using a larger bulkier font, while the author's name is in a thin sans serif font to create hierarchy. All of the waves create motion and connection to the back of the book and even the spine of the book. The back has a quick synopsis of the book, while the spine has nothing but connecting illustrations. I think this is a great design and it is a great example of how to create a great design, while keeping simplicity. This is a technique I want to use in the future with book cover designs.

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