Friday, September 27, 2013

The Psychopath Test

The Psychopath Test written by Jon Ronson has a very interesting book cover. First of all, the colors on the right side are very very noticeable from first sight. The split in this cover is a great idea. It shows both sides of the human mind; both normal, and psychotic. The rabbit also gives an element of calm design, while the cheetah makes things chaotic and creates motion. The font on the right is a little distracting, but for the design I think it works. The font rule is followed here by having three different fonts, but different font styles are used to create difference in appearance and hierarchy. I think the colors on the left make the book look like a school textbook, while the right side looks like an 80's comic book. The title and author also show that they are of higher importance to the reader by either being typed in a different font size or by using a different font style. Hierarchy is used well in this cover. I want to use this kind of hierarchy in my work.

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