Saturday, September 14, 2013

Typography in Motion

Although typography is appreciated mostly within printed illustrations or articles, typography can be seen and expressed artistically in motion. After googling "typography" many images of type can be found at first glance; and while images is where you can find some of typography's greatest milestones, youtube has been collecting a museum of typographical motion. I searched on youtube for examples of typography about which I could write, and found the user, Kinetic Typography 101. The videos I found on this channel drew me in immediately. The videos contained on this channel used typography to explain different topics such as Procrastination, America's excessive use of Corn, and much more. After I saw the chains of connection that were used between different fonts, different style types, different colors, and even different motions and directions, I found that this motion is creating LIVE typography. Using typography in motion does constrict the designer to creating videos, but I believe that this concept of motion can be translated back into static, non-motion illustrations. Using the basic elements of art such as implied lines, angles, and shape can help create the idea of motion in printed illustrations. I found later that the user's true name is C.J. Yeh, a painter, author, web designer, teacher, and virtual artist. According to C.J.'s website, he currently teaches interactive media at the FIT and Pratt Institute in New York. C.J. has also published five books about design and art, and continues write about art and display art in local museums.

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